Saturday, December 2, 2006

Let The Feasting Begin!

Originally posted on November 17, 2006 at Wasting Away In Blogaritaville.

In Blogaritaville, it's one big food fest from now until the beginning of the new year.

Tomorrow is Spouse Guy's birthday*. Artsy Girl and Sparky will go out to eat with us. He hasn't decided where we're going yet, but I'm betting he'll pick either Italian or Chinese food.

Then it's Thanksgiving on Thursday. Mom and Dad are planning on joining us. We'll be having a pretty typical meal of turkey and all the trimmings. SG bought a fryer, so we'll be giving deep-fried turkey a try. Instead of pumpkin pie, we'll be having pumpkin roll. It's a pumpkin cake with a sweet cream cheese filling, all rolled up jellyroll-style. We love it so much it's become a Thanksgiving tradition.

My birthday is in mid-December. We'll go out to eat then, too. At this point I have no idea where we'll go, other than it will be somewhere we haven't been before. For me, going somewhere new is half the fun of going out to eat.

Then comes Christmas. The tradition here is to make a big pot of chili, soup or stew, then an assortment of appetizers to munch on whenever we like throughout the day. It's all very casual and fun.

Going out on New Year's Eve doesn't hold much appeal for us anymore, but I'm sure we'll stay in with some movies, more appetizers and a champagne toast, if we can manage to stay awake until midnight**

Finally, on New Year's Day, I try to cook something a little different. Usually it's either a Cajun, Southern or Soul Food meal, any of which could easily include those traditional blackeyed peas for good luck and prosperity.

If all that isn't enough, there will probably be a few unplanned get-togethers and a lot of cookies and candy thrown in for good measure.

What are some of your holiday food traditions?

*Spouse Guy turns 30 this year. Finally, I no longer have to say that my daughter and my husband are both in their 20s.

**We're too old to go out and party. Spouse Guy is 30, for pete's sake!

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