Saturday, March 24, 2007

Strawberry Galette

There's some disagreement from website to website on just what a galette is. Right or wrong, I don't know what else to call this dessert, so I'm calling it a galette.

I had some strawberries in their juices in the freezer -- about a pint or so, I'd guess. Not sweet enough, these berries, so I added about 1/2 cup of sugar and brought them to a boil, then simmered them down to about 1-1/2 c.

I used a ready-made refrigerator pie crust (because it's just that kind of day) and placed it flat on my baking stone. I spooned about 3/4 cup of the cooked strawberry mixture into the center, then folded the dough up over the filling, leaving a 4- to 5-inch circle of filling exposed in the center and letting the dough pleat naturally.

I brushed the dough with just a little bit of water, then sprinkled the entire galette with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Then I baked the pastry in a pre-heated 375° for about 20 minutes.

I let it cool before cutting it into wedges.

I saved the remaining 3/4 cup of strawberry filling to use later, maybe as a topping for ice cream or spooned over some cake.


Christo Gonzales said...

I'd eat it what ever its called

Anonymous said...
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Blogarita said...

Doggybloggy: So we did!

Costa Rica: I guess Strawberry Galette is great when you have the munchies.